Wednesday, September 24, 2008

24/9 - 2

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been having exams, and they're not over yet! So updates will only come mid October! A few new features will be added then.

isn't that just lovely? :D, and quite reasonably priced too!
Fits UK4 to 8 & comes in Broze, Gold and Turquoise!

Dressing Lab

Don't you just love that? I do! Hehe
Fits up to UK10

This baby comes in Black, White and Navy Blue!

Friday, September 5, 2008

5/9 - 1

Candy Treats

White Push Pop!
Comes in black and white, fits up to a size UK10.

Original Roxy Flip flops from Australia!
Only a few pairs left! Grab 'em while you can!

My Eye Catchers
Bag that looks like a sneaker

<3! This bag is available in red, blue & black.


Hello! :) . Like my profile says, my blog is neither a great big book, nor does it have everything. Haha
Unfortunately, I cannot buy much online because I don't have the $$ to do so! But what I can do, is to share all my great finds with everyone else! I will try my best to update at least once everyday. & I hope you can help me & tell me if I'm doing something wrong, as I'm new at this.

What I will do on this blog is I will feature products from various blogstores ranging from clothes to food(mainly cupcakes:D).. This will be somewhat of a catalogue. Think Compulsively Addicted. :D

If you have any tips/suggestions/questions , please email them to
or leave a message in the cbox~